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Enugu State Unveils Rapid Response Register (RRR) Enrolment Codes – See Full List



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Enugu State Unveils Rapid Response Register (RRR) Enrolment Codes – See Full List

Flippstack understands that the Enugu State National Social Investment Office has unveiled the Rapid Response Register (RRR) enrolment Codes for Local Government Areas and Communities in Enugu State.
Before we continue, if you want Enrolment codes for  other states, kindly click HERE

The State Focal Person, N-SIP Office Enugu, Dr. Innocent Ogbonna in a public announcement, called on the good people of Enugu State especially those negatively impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic to utilize the opportunity presented by the Federal Government to obtain Social Intervention under the World Bank/National RRR Social Safety Net.

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The Rapid Response Register is an intervention by the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management, and Social Development, centered on urban and semi-urban areas that are economically impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The target group will include the urban poor and vulnerable population. Also, those low-income earners involved in the informal sector who may have lost their income opportunities will be eligible for registration into the Rapid Response Register.

Participants in the programme will be eligible for N5,000 monthly Stipend for a period of about 6 months.

How to Register

NB: Airtel Network is the designated Network for Enugu State RRR Enrolment.

1. Dial *969*Code of the Community where the beneficiary resides# using your Airtel line, then Enter.
2. It will bring out a form.
3. Fill the form and submit it.
4. Save your unique code.

Note Also: Your Airtel phone number can only register one potential beneficiary. When you register, every communication will come through the phone number. So, let the phone number (sim card) remain on your phone. It is the WB/National that supplied these communities and the codes. These are recognized as communities under the scheme.

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Practical examples of RRR Enrolment Codes (LGA, (Ward/Community Code):
1) Aninri ( Mbu Ovum) *969*49915#
2) Awgu (Umuhu) *969*49971#
3) Enugu East (Mbulunjiodo Emene) *969*50023#
4) En North (China town Artisan) *969*50097#
5) En South (Obegu 1, Uhu) *96950569#
6) Ezeagu (Aguobu Owa Ezema) *969*50641#
7) Igbo Etiti (Ukehe 1 Amakofia Aguelu) *969*50653#
8) Igboeze North (Ette 1 Adupi) *969*50768#
9) Igboeze S (Ajuona Ovoko Amagu) *969*51161#
10) Is Uzo (Ikem 1 Agbuhu) *969*51185#
11) Nkanu East (Amagunze Ohuani Amagunze Amangene) *969*51268#
12) Nk West (Agbani Ajene) *969*51301
13) Nsukka (Akalite Agumu) *969*51485#
14) Oji River (Oji River II Dodo) *969*51875#
15) Udenu (Orba II Ohom Agu) *969*51990#
16)  (Obollo Afor Umeha *969*51930#
17) Udi (Abia Agbani) *969*52007#
18) Uzo Uwani (Adani Amagu) *969*52093#

To get the full list of the LGAs and Communities in Enugu State and their CODES, click here

Submission expires on 22nd December 2021 by 12 midnight.

Note: Those who are already enjoying any of the National Social Investment Program of the Federal Govt (example NPower, Cash Transfer, Cooks under school feeding) may not qualify!
Enugu State Unveils Rapid Response Register (RRR) Enrolment Codes – See Full List


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